MMAFI Mixed Martial Arts Federation, IndiaSuccessfully organized a National MMA Referee & Judges Training and Certification Course. MMAFI
covered a wide array of topics in a day-long session. The course aimed to educate the MMA community about MMA sports’ unified rules& regulations. MMAFI, especially, arranged the event for the officials of the upcoming MMA reality show K1L WarriorHunt.MMAFI state heads from Telangana, Ladakh, and Gujrat attended the seminar. They volunteered for the course and added to its success. In addition, well-known personalities and coaches from other martial arts styles supported the event by participating in the course and getting certified in Unified MMA Rules.

The event was conducted & certified by Sensei Surendra Pandey (Chief of MMAFI
Referee & Judge Council). He made it very simple for the participants to understand. MMAFI Gen. Sec Shiba Pradhan submitted all the details and results of the course to the MMAFI Secretary Office for verification.

The certification ceremony was honoured by the Chief Guest Adv. Shri Vikram Rothe
(VP of Asian Bodybuilding & Physique Sports Federation), Shri. Sushil Gupta
(Entrepreneur & Social Activist) & Shri Mohit Srivastav (Social Activist).
Adv. Shri Vikram Rothe guided participants on various aspects of combat sports.
However, he primarily focused on educating athletes and officials about anti-doping
to keep sports of MMA safe from drugs and other prohibited substances. He promised a seminar with the Anti-doping authority of India. Dates to be announced soon.

List of Certification course completed Referees & Judges
Mangesh R. Talekar
Manoj Khambe
Arun Pal
Sajid R. Rain
Yasar Arfat Allauddin Shaikh
Mayur Shaukal
Vicky Chandrakant Gadwe
Sneha Vishwasrao
Salauddin Chaus
Arvind R. Jaiswar
Michael Pereira
Ganesh Margaje
Shirish Kisan Talekar
Nikhil Gunde
Muzaffar Saiyed
Nihar Londhe
Anup Chandran Nair
Anil Pandurang Marathe
Azharuddin Shaikh
Shrinath Prajapati
Syed Jalaluddin Zafar
Syed Ziauddin Taher
Syed Haseebuddin
Shaik Shafath Ali
Syed Naseeruddin Zubair
Arun Chandra Kumar
Himanshu L Jain
George Emmanuel
Mehdi Nasiri
The next certification course on MMA Unified Rules to be conducted on 14 December at Anjuna, Goa.